When to Take Childbirth Classes?

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When to Take Childbirth Classes?

Lots of folks in our care will ask us, “When is the best time to take childbirth classes?” They already know they want to take childbirth education classes because they’re acquainted with the usefulness of being prepared, but they don’t know when it’s the best time to do so. We think that the best time to take classes is some time in your late second or early third trimester. Essentially, you want to be close enough to the time you’ll give birth that you remember the content (particularly for partners who will be learning how to support you during labor!) but far enough away that you have time for a relaxed, easy class. Sometimes people who take the classes right before they give birth feel a little uneasy that they will have the baby before they’re done with the class, and that can be distracting. For others, they like to plan ahead, so it feels good to them to be done before they’re even in third trimester. Still others prefer to take the class at the last possible moment so they feel confident in the information on the day they are in labor. As with everything in midwifery, it’s very individualized, so you can decide what’s the best option for you! 

Importance of Birthing Classes

The importance of childbirth classes is that they give you information you may need in order to have your baby. For the most part, in an un-medicated, natural labor, your body will just do what it needs to do and you will have a baby. However, for many of us, we like to know what’s happening as it’s happening. What are the sensations of labor? What will it feel like? Is it scary? These are the questions that can be answered by a childbirth education class. Additionally, a good childbirth education class will talk to you about what to expect and how to set yourself up for maximum success in your labor based on your labor goals. The second thing a good childbirth education class does is give you information about how to cope with labor and how to help yourself and have others help you. This can be position suggestions, massage, coping techniques, and what to do during the various stages of labor to assist in your progress. This can make a really big difference if your labor is long and you feel like changing your birth plan! If you’re equipped with what you need, the desire to change your birth plan will not be as strong. Childbirth education will also walk you through all the potential interventions that could be needed or suggested during your birth. You’ll want to know ahead of time what different things are so that the first time you’re hearing about it is not while you’re in labor. What’s an epidural? What’s a Foley catheter? What’s Fentanyl? Do you want those things? Why wouldn’t you want them? What are the side effects and benefits of interventions? All of these questions will be answered in a childbirth education class so that you already know what you’re comfortable with and what you aren’t comfortable with when it’s time for you to have your baby. 

Other Important Steps When Preparing for Labor 

In addition to taking childbirth education, there are other things you can do to help yourself prepare for labor. First off, make sure you feel comfortable and that you trust your provider. If you can’t talk to your provider prenatally, you won’t be able to talk to them in labor (if they are even the person who is with you in labor). Make sure you’re setting up your birth to be what you will need to succeed. Invite people to your birth who are supportive and comfortable for you. Lots of times, people feel the need to invite other family members with whom they don’t feel especially connected just because the family members want to be there. Don’t do that! You won’t be able to labor well if someone is watching you who you don’t trust. Imagine that this is the most private, intimate experience of your life (because it is). Who do you want in the room for that? 

When to Take Childbirth Classes with Hearth and Home

We are accepting students in our Childbirth Classes on a rolling basis! Each quarter, we team up a series of students for private and semi-private lessons. That way, you can get all the information from the midwives and meet other students who are getting ready to have their first baby or who are getting ready to have their first vaginal birth. You can contact us any time to set up a Childbirth education class. We would love to have you!