mom holding a baby
Serving Portland, OR & Surrounding Areas

Labor & Delivery with a Midwife

Midwife-Assisted Delivery & More

There’s no better birth experience than having the one you want. With Hearth & Home’s comprehensive midwifery services, you get personalized labor and delivery support so that your big day is extra special.

We provide continuous attention and assistance during childbirth, to help you usher in your baby using a more natural approach.

But that’s not all. Leading up to your due date, you’ll get a complete package of prenatal midwifery care. After your baby is born, we’re at your side providing postpartum care and attending to your newborn.


Labor & Delivery That’s Focused on You & Your Baby


So Many Natural Birth Options

Hearth & Home offers various natural birth options, including home births and water births.

We bring all the essential equipment — like a portable tub — and materials to your home and set everything up so your labor and delivery space is safe and cozy.

We’ll make sure your birthing plan details your chosen childbirth method.

Making the Process Easier

Our midwives offer holistic birthing assistance to make the process gentler and smoother for you. For example:

  • We’re skilled in natural induction methods and active labor techniques, which can help progress labor without the need for medications.

  • We can suggest labor positions that can help manage pain and facilitate the baby's descent.

  • We can coach you through natural pain management pathways that help many women navigate unmedicated birth or low-intervention birth. 

Creating the Ideal Birthing Environment

Each person’s idea of the perfect birthing environment is distinct.

Whatever your vision of it is, we’ll strive to make it happen. We encourage clients to incorporate aromatherapy, music, mood lighting, and other meaningful elements into the birthing area.

We also pride ourselves on enabling family-centered birth experiences. Having your partner or other beloved person with you can make a world of difference.


What to Expect During a Hearth & Home Midwife-Assisted Delivery

Why do people in the Greater Portland area choose us to be their care providers for such an important time in their lives?

Because they know they can trust us. 

Having assisted with hundreds of childbirths, we’ve racked up unparalleled experience and skill. This is backed by specialized and intense training entirely focused on holistic midwifery care.

Over the course of the day for labor & delivery, we’re doing things like:

  • Helping to create a comfortable birthing environment

  • Preparing labor-support tools and supplies

  • Facilitating natural pain management 

  • Ensuring that your birthing plan is followed

  • Providing continuous clinical care, guidance, and emotional support

After you give birth, we help you welcome your baby into the world, perform a newborn exam, and get you and the birthing environment cleaned up.

midwife watching over a mom about to give birth in a water tub




mom who just gave birth kissing her baby
  • We offer non-invasive pain management techniques — like breathing exercises, movement, education about hands-on support, and the use of the water birth tub. We can discuss other options based on your unique needs.

  • Managing stress, getting regular exercise, and maintaining a balanced, nutritious diet can help. Taking a childbirth class is also a great idea and may provide you with additional suggestions.

  • Our training, tools, and techniques enable us to address the most common complications should they arise. If needed, we also have protocols in place to get you timely and appropriate medical attention.


Hundreds of Babies Safely Delivered

You’ll love the full-spectrum midwifery services Hearth & Home provides — especially when it comes to labor and delivery.

With our holistic care approach and specialization in home and natural births, you’ll get superior care, an all-inclusive birthing plan, and a beautifully memorable childbirth experience. Connect with us today to learn more.