Serving Oregon & Washington

Full Prenatal Care


The Best Prenatal Care for You & Your Baby

One of the best pregnancy tips you can get is to find a good prenatal care practitioner. Working with a certified midwife is a great option if you prefer holistic prenatal care with a more natural approach.

At Hearth & Home, this isn’t just core to our mission and commitment to clients — it’s our expertise!

Our goal as certified midwives is to provide you with a superior pregnancy care experience. This includes prenatal care benefits that aren’t typically available with hospital-centric pregnancy care. For example:

  • We’re specialists with extensive focused training, certification, and experience centered on caring for women and their babies before, during, and after childbirth.

  • We tend to your whole body, mind, and spirit because a healthy pregnancy hinges on total wellness.

  • Because we get to know you so deeply, we can provide next-level care that truly resonates.

  • The cost of our services is predictable - often much less expensive compared to care in the medical model.

  • We’re able to give you more attention and personalized service, which can have tremendously positive effects on the quality of your pregnancy experience.

midwife checking on pregnany mother

 What’s Included in Hearth & Home’s Prenatal Care

Rest assured that prenatal care in the midwifery model is complete prenatal care. With Hearth & Home, you’ll get comprehensive, professional, and modern pregnancy care.

While your care will be somewhat personalized to your specific needs and preferences, here are some of the prenatal services we offer:

  • Guidance on and planning for natural birthing, including home births and water births

  • Routine exams and lab work you’d have at any birthing facility

  • Education and counseling on all facets of pregnancy including mood, clinical care, nutrition and supplements, movement, and exercise

  • Holistic, natural, alternative, and complementary wellness

  • Childbirth and parenting course

Your Hearth & Home midwifery prenatal care package will incorporate everything you and your baby need and deserve for a healthy pregnancy:

  • Hour-long appointments every X that include physical exams, lifestyle and supplement support, and preventative care for the complications of pregnancy

  • In-office labs and genetic testing plus referrals for ultrasounds

  • A prenatal home visit in the 3rd trimester to plan for the big day

  • 24/7 on-call access to a midwife who knows you in case of an urgent need

Continuity of care through the stages of pregnancy and beyond is incredibly important. As such, your Hearth & Home midwife will also assist you and your baby during labor and delivery and the early postpartum period.




Hearth & Home, a Crowning Example of Midwifery Service

Midwifery is more than just a healthcare profession to us. It's our calling — and clients can tell. Our clients can count on getting exceptional prenatal care that leads to an optimal pregnancy and birth experience.

Clients seek us out and ultimately engage our services for various reasons. Regardless of individual motivations that lead them to us, clients know we:

  • Prioritize holistic prenatal care

  • Are skilled practitioners

  • Offer supplementary herbal and dietary approaches

  • Are champions of the innate capabilities of your body

  • Retain the flexibility necessary to optimize your plan

  • Strive to help you feel empowered and in control

  • Consider and advocate for the interests of mom, baby, and family

  • Communicate openly and honestly and work hard to build trust and rapport

  • Are professional yet empathetic

  • Provide unparalleled support

  • Accept only a handful of patients each month to ensure excellent care

african american female pregnant with a baby


mom who just gave birth kissing her baby
  • This is a blanket term that refers to the checkups you have with your midwife during your pregnancy. They include office visits, testing, and counseling that are intended to monitor your health and your baby's development as your pregnancy progresses.

  • Prenatal visit frequency will change as you progress through your pregnancy and depending on your and your baby’s health. On a typical prenatal care schedule, you’ll see your midwife monthly in your first two trimesters, bi-weekly from 28-36 weeks of pregnancy, and then weekly starting at 36 weeks of pregnancy until you go into labor.

  • Prenatal care changes with the stages of your pregnancy. At the beginning, exams and tests are used to confirm pregnancy, check and track your health, and detect and monitor the baby's health and well-being. In the second trimester, you’ll receive informed choices about an ultrasound (to monitor growth and anatomy) and bloodwork. The third trimester is largely about frequent prenatal care visits to keep tabs on your and your baby’s well-being and preparedness for childbirth.


You Deserve the Best Prenatal Care

You owe it to yourself and your baby to get the best possible prenatal care to help ensure a healthy pregnancy. At Hearth & Home, we provide exceptional and personalized midwifery services to families in the greater Portland area. If you’re ready to take the next step and find out more about our certified midwife prenatal care packages, contact us today.