The Homebirth
Midwife Podcast
The Homebirth Midwife podcast is hosted by Sarah McClure, CPM, LDM, LM and Charli Bernardo, CPM, LDM, LM, founders and primary midwives of Hearth and Home Midwifery, a homebirth practice in Oregon and Washington. They are experts on all things related to natural pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. Every other week the podcast delves into the topics you want to know about regarding your pregnancy and birth.
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Homebirth Midwife Podcast
External Cephalic Versions (ECVs)
Sep 12, 2023
On today’s episode, Charli and Sarah talk about external cephalic versions (ECVs) for turning a breech baby. Learn why and when it’s done, in what setting, risks and benefits, and some other considerations for choosing whether you want that option or not.
Brenna's Home Birth Story
Oct 10, 2023
Midwife Sarah sits down with Hearth & Home graduate Brenna, who had an HBAC (Home Birth After Cesarean) with our practice! Brenna talks all about what led to her Cesarean, her decision to give birth at home with her second, and her journey with Hearth & Home Midwifery.
Meet Your Hosts
Sarah was raised on a farm in southern Michigan. From the time her mom was pregnant with her younger sister, Sarah told everyone she wanted to be a “mommy doctor.” When Sarah found midwifery, she knew she had found her calling. Midwifery is a blend of a number of Sarah’s passions: supporting women, the awe of science and nature, and the privilege of taking care of families during one of the most important times in their lives.
Charli was born and raised in rural Oregon. She grew up with an affinity for the outdoors, singing, and caring for living beings. Through a handful of different birth experiences in her early adult life, she learned that midwifery was her true calling.