Person Centered Care



In our practice we value person centered care.  Our care for our clients is grounded in building relationships together and collaborating with our clients to make sure they receive the best care possible for who they are and what they need.  We know the importance of meeting the needs of the whole person in our care, and that includes psychosocial and spiritual aspects of wellbeing.

We reject a client to provider power dynamic and instead we meet our clients where they're at in order to encourage each individual to be the agent of their own healthcare.  We endeavor to give each of our clients all of the information that they need to make the healthcare decision that is best for them.  We make recommendations if they're indicated, but we ultimately believe that the individual knows what's best for themselves and for their baby. 

We believe that person centered care can result in client empowerment, reduces unwanted and unnecessary interventions in maternity care, and promotes the needs of the individual being met through their healthcare experience.  In person centered care, you have the right to make the choices that are best for you and you have the right to receive care that is individualized to your needs and values.

In Happiness and Health,

Charli & Sarah